ISTC CNR Laboratory for Applied Ontology
The Laboratory for Applied Ontology (LOA) is part of the ISTC at the Italian National Research Council (CNR), and its members have extensive expertise in metaphysics, formal ontology, logic, and epistemology.
The team involves:
- Emilio M. Sanfilippo, PhD (PI – Principal Investigator)
- Roberta Ferrario, PhD
- Marta Maria Vilardo, PhD (post-doc hired by MITE)
With a post-doctoral researcher to be hired in the context of the project, the team at LOA leads work package WP3 and coordinates the project.
Sapienza University of Rome
The research team at the Sapienza University is part of the Deparment of European, American, and Intercultural studies, one of the biggest Language and Literature Departments in Europe, hosting an international PhD course in Textual Studies whose students are actively collaborating with the project.
The team includes:
- Gaia Tomazzoli, PhD (Co-PI)
- Gioia Paradisi, PhD
- Heloísa Abreu de Lima, PhD (post-doc hired by MITE)
The team leads WP1 and supports the coordination of the project.
University of Macerata
The research team at the University of Macerata is part of the Deparment of Human Studies and its members have extensively worked on the ontology of fictional objects, as well as on philosophical topics related to thought experiments and the ethical dimension of interpretation.
The team includes:
- Michele Paolini Paoletti, PhD
- prof. Francesco Orilia, PhD
- prof. Marco Buzzoni, PhD
- prof. Benedetta Giovanola, PhD
- Jansan Favazzo, PhD (post-doc hired by MITE)
The team leads WP2.