Situations are 'ontological' contexts for constructing the notion of co-localization of heterogeneous entities with interrelationships among them (eg a state of affairs including an object, a process embodied in it, one or more regions localizing them, a domain in which such a state of affairs may occur, a time span of occurrence, etc.). This notion comes from both Heidegger and Husserl: to Heidegger, a situation is the 'place' of existence, of the 'happening' of the entities. The Husserl's notion is 'Sachverhalt' (state of affairs): the objective counterpart of a judgment, accepted in Wittgenstein's Tractatus as a 'combination of entities', called 'atomic fact'. A situation may imply a 'true' location (regional location, see theory:localization), a temporal location, or a naive, metonymic location (see theory:localization).
Subclass-Of: Temporalized-entity
The-Archetype: Type
(Slot-Cardinality Situation Duration-Value 1)

(=> (Situation ?Self)
    (And (Exists (?A) (And (Context-Of ?Self ?A) (Region ?A)))
         (Exists (?B) (And (Context-Of ?Self ?B) (Object ?B)))
         (Exists (?C) (And (Context-Of ?Self ?C) (Process ?C)))
         (Exists (?D)
                 (And (Strictly-Depends-On ?Self ?D) (Region ?D)))
         (Exists (?E)
                 (And (Strictly-Depends-On ?Self ?E) (Object ?E)))
         (Exists (?F)
                 (And (Strictly-Depends-On ?Self ?F) (Process ?F)))
         (Exists (?Y ?Z ?W)
                 (And (Region ?Y)
                      (Context-Of ?Self ?Y)
                      (Object ?Z)
                      (Context-Of ?Self ?Z)
                      (Process ?W)
                      (Context-Of ?Self ?W)
                      (Located ?Y ?Z)
                      (Actor-Of ?Z ?W)))))