The class of entities which are inherently intervallistic -say they necessarily co-occur with a time span- and have a kinematic intuition schema: for all situations (states of affairs) S of an entity X, there exists a meeting situation T for X in which something different holds true of X, but did not hold true at S. In other words, temporalized entities (or 'occurrents') are fluents, ever-changing entities. The kinematic schema refers to the perception of pure forms, not to actual entities in the real world: solid objects can have a kinematics and in fact processes strictly depend on objects. Actually, some philosophers argue that processes are not real entities, but only features of objects. We are realist about processes, but we do not want to make claims far beyond the intentionality of perceiving agents. Temporalized-entity has four direct subtypes: process, situation, time-span (or interval), and temporal-platform.
Subclass-Of: Entity
Subclass-Partition: {Process, Time-span, Situation}
The-Archetype: Category
(=> (Temporalized-Entity ?Self)
    (And (Exists (?A) (And (Co-Occur ?Self ?A) (Time-Span ?A)))
         (Forall (?S1)
                 (=> (And (Situation ?S1) (Context-Of ?S1 ?Self))
                     (Exists (?S2)
                             (And (Situation ?S2)
                                  (Context-Of ?S2 ?Self)
                                  (Meets ?S1 ?S2)
                                  (Different ?S1 ?S2)))))))