Class TYPE

This is the meta-level predicate for the 'rigid' classes of a theory (cf. Wiggins, 1980: within a given theory, if A is an instance of a !type class C in a conceivable situation s1, there is no conceivable s2 different from s1 in which A is not an instance of C). A type class is also countable (there is a part of something belonging to the class c which does not belong to c as well; in other terms, an instance of a !type class can be internally dishomogeneous). The first axiom implements rigidity, while the second implements countability.
Subclass-Of: Structural-concept
(Inherited-Slot-Value Type The-Archetype Type)

(=> (Type ?Self)
    (And (Exists 
             (And (Situation ?Sit1)
                  (Context-Of ?Sit1 ?Self)
                      (=> (Instance-Of ?X ?Self)
                          (Not (Exists 
                                   (And (Situation ?Sit2)
                                        (Context-Of ?Sit2 ?Self)
                                        (Context-Of ?Sit2 ?X)
                                        (Different ?Sit2 ?Sit1)
                                            (And (Not (Instance-Of 
                                                 (Holds-At ?Sit2 ?A))))))))))
         (Forall (?Y)
                 (=> (Instance-Of ?Y ?Self)
                     (Exists (?Z ?Dishomog)
                             (And (Instance-Of ?Z ?Dishomog)
                                  (Part-Of ?Z ?Y)
                                  (Conceptually-Different ?Self