The class of spontaneous processes which are embodied in an object. A natural process has an 'inherent' teleology without having a true intentionality.
Subclass-Of: Process
Problem: What about processes which are neither actions nor functions? For example: injury, poisoning, or (natural, but not biological) phenomena. 1. A geological phenomenon such as erosion or a (naturally) rolling stone may seem inappropriately called 'function', since a natural and not biological occurrent is hardly perceived as involved in a system. On the other hand, from an ecological viewpoint, any natural occurrent is part of a contextualized system. Moreover, a geological occurrent would be classified as a 'geological-function'. 2. Injuries and poisoning are functions as well, only they are not naturally occurring. This is one of the reasons why naturalness is not a primary criterion in our ontologies. See also Searle for the position that functions are not natural at all, since they are attributed by our epistemic views.
Subclass-Partition: {Biologic-process, Non-biologic-process}
The-Archetype: Type
(=> (Natural-Process ?Self)
    (Exists (?A) (And (Embodied-In ?Self ?A) (Object ?A))))