An aggregation of similarly specialized cells and the associated intercellular substance. Tissues are relatively non-localized in comparison to body parts, organs or organ components. As far as distinctions made to now are concerned, the main feature of tissues is self-connexity and being a homogeneous mass (all parts in the same granularity are tissue as well); though, the definition needs extension.
Subclass-Of: Anatomical-structure
(Slot-Value-Type Tissue Adjacent-To Anatomical-Structure)

(Slot-Cardinality Tissue _Homogeneous 1)

(Slot-Cardinality Tissue _Self-Connected 1)

(=> (Tissue ?Self)
    (And (Exists (?A)
                 (And (Component-Of ?Self ?A)
                      (Or (Body-Part ?A) (Body-System ?A))))
         (Exists (?B)
                 (And (Element ?Self ?B) (*Specialized-Cell ?B)))
         (Exists (?C)
                 (And (Surrounds ?Self ?C)
                      (Or (Anatomical-Structure ?C)
                          (Substance ?C)
                          (Body-Region ?C))))
         (Forall (?D)
                 (=> (Developmental-Form-Of ?Self ?D)
                     (Or (Tissue ?D) (Body-Part ?D))))
         (Forall (?E)
                 (=> (Constituent-Material ?Self ?E)
                     (Or (Tissue ?E) (Substance ?E))))))