Relation _ABNORMAL

A quick summary of medical abnormalities: some agent must be aware of the abnormal object (all assessment relations are epistemical, not ontological), and there must be some part, connected object, located object, or morphologic property, which is RECOGNIZED by the agent as TYPICALLY different from what is expected. In fact, it is impossible to list all possible abnormalities, even for a given domain, nor we can formulate complete rules to cover their extension.
Arity: 2
Domain: Anatomical-structure
Subrelation-Of: Typicality-property
(=> (_Abnormal ?A ?B)
    (Exists (?Z)
            (And (Biologic-Object ?Z)
                 (Or (Absent-In ?Z ?A)
                     (Present-In ?Z ?A)
                     (Abnormally-Attached ?Z ?A)
                     (Detached ?Z ?A)
                     (Absent-In ?A ?Z)
                     (Present-In ?A ?Z)
                     (Abnormally-Attached ?A ?Z)
                     (Detached ?A ?Z)))))