Cloud for Europe | Brokering servizi cloud per le pubbliche amministrazioni
EuJoint | EUropean-Japanese Ontology INTeraction
GECKO | Generic Evolutionary Control Knowledge-based mOdule
ICT4Law | ICT Converging on Law
ILIKS | Interdisciplinary Laboratory on Interacting Knowledge Systems |
KAOS | Knowledge-Aware Operational Support
METOKIS | Methodology and Tools Infrastructure for the Creation of Knowledge Units |
| NEtworked ONtologies – Shaping the future infrastructure for semantic applications
OntoCommons | Ontology-driven data documentation
for Industry Commons |
Pro2ReFix | Product and Process Co Evolution Management via Reconfigurable Fixtures |
SemanticMining | Network of Excellence – Semantic Interoperability and Data Mining in Biomedicine |
STACCO | The Civil Status of Contradiction (lo STAto Civile della COntraddizione) |
VisCoSO | Detection of Crisis in Socio-Material Systems via VISual-COgnitive-SOcial Processes
WonderWeb | WonderWeb: Ontology Infrastructure for the Semantic Web