The class of entities which have a static schema: for some situation (state of affairs) S1 of an entity X there exists a meeting situation S2 for X in which every interpretant Y (except time) of X holds true, and Y held true at S1 as well. In other words, there are at least two conceivable successive situations in which the features (except temporal features) of an objectual entity do not change. On the contrary, processual
entities are inherently changing entities, apart stationary phases. In still other words, localized entities ('continuants') are cognitively constructable as tendentially stable. This does not mean that objectual entities cannot have a kinematics and a dynamics. 'Kinematic' and 'Static' are simple properties of the intuition (some Kantian 'forms of intuition') and an 'extreme' analysis should not be tried. In fact, there are objectual entities more prototypical of 'static' intuition (eg 'mountain'), while others are very peripheral (eg 'the light of Venice'), let alone the entities of subatomic physics. Localized entity has two direct subtypes: object and region.
Subclass-Of: Entity
Subclass-Partition: {Object, Region}
The-Archetype: Category