An observable manifestation of a disease or condition based on clinical judgment, or a manifestation of a disease or condition which is experienced by the patient and reported as a subjective observation.
Subclass-Of: Thing
Mapping: This is a typical 'inclusive' concept from USN, maintained here to support Metathesaurus partition.
Problem: Traditionally, signs and symptoms are accurately distinguished. Any way to partition the instances of this USN concept?
(Slot-Value-Type Sign-Or-Symptom Degree-Of Sign-Or-Symptom)

(=> (Sign-Or-Symptom ?Self)
    (Forall (?A)
            (=> (Interpretant-Of ?Self ?A)
                (Or (Pathologic-Function ?A)
                    (Injury-Or-Poisoning ?A)
                    (Anatomical-Abnormality ?A)))))

(<=> (Sign-Or-Symptom ?Self)
     (And (Thing ?Self)
          (Or (Objective-Medical-Sign ?Self) (Symptom ?Self))))