Publications related to DOLCE
- P. Lando, A. Lapujade, G. Kassel, F. Fürst,
"Towards a general ontology of computer programs", In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Software and data
Technologies: ICSOFT 2007, Conference area: Knowledge Engineering, 25-27
July 2007, Barcelonia (Spain) (2007)
- Lynda Temal, Pascal Lando, Bernard Gibaud, Michel Dojat, Gilles Kassel and Anne Lapujade,
"OntoNeuroBase: A Multi-Layered Application Ontology in Neuroimaging", Forthcoming, Proceedings of FOMI 2006 (Formal Ontology meets Industry) (2006)
- Daniel Oberle, Anupriya Ankolekar, Pascal Hitzler, Philipp Cimiano,Michael Sintek, Malte Kiesel, B. Mougouie, S. Vembu, S. Baumann,
Massimo Romanelli, Paul Buitelaar, R. Engel, D. Sonntag, N. Reithinger, Berenike Loos, R. Porzel, H.-P. Zorn, V. Micelli,
C Schmidt, Moritz Weiten, F. Burkhardt, J. Zhou,
"DOLCE ergo SUMO: On Foundational and Domain Models in SWIntO (SmartWeb
Integrated Ontology)", Submission to Journal of Web Semantics (2006)
- Daniel Oberle,
"Semantic Management of Middleware", Volume I of A. Sheth, R. Jain (eds.), "The Semantic Web and Beyond" (2005)
- Gilles Kassel,
"Integration of the DOLCE top-level ontology into the OntoSpec methodology" (2005)
- C. M. Keet,
"Factors affecting ontology development in ecology" (2005)
- S. Bruaux, G. Kassel, G. Morel,
"An ontological approach to the construction of problem-solving models" (2005)
- P. Martin, "Corrections and extensions of WordNet 1.7 for knowledge-kase applications" (2003)
- I. Rojas, E. Ratsch, J. Saric, U. Wittig,
"Notes on the use of ontologies in the biochemical domain" (2004)
- M. Klein and H. Stuckernschmidt,
"Evolution management for interconnected ontologies" (2004)
- H. Ryan, P. Spyns, P. De Leenheer, R. Leary,
"Ontology-based platform for trusted regulatory compliance services" (2003)
- S. Bruaux, G. Kassel, G. Morel,
"Étude critique de la méthode CommonKADS application au calage de codes de calcul" (2003)
- C.A. Welty, R. Mahindru, J. Chu-Carrol,
"Evaluating ontological analysis" (2003)
- R. Mizoguchi,
"Ontology development, tools and languages" (2004)
- S. Farrar,
"An ontological account of linguistics: extending SUMO with GOLD" (2004)
- J. Bateman, S. Farrar,
"Towards a generic foundation for spatial ontology" (2004)
- Y. Matsuo, M. Hamasaki, J. Mori, H. Takeda, K. Hasida,
"Ontological consideration on human relationship vocabulary for FOAF" (2004)
- B. Brodaric,
"Levels of ontology for physical object - Lekxis" (2004)
- D. Oberle, P. Mika, A. Gangemi, M. Sabou
"Foundations for service ontologies: aligning OWL-S to DOLCE" (2004)
- P. Mika, M. Sabou, A. Gangemi, D. Oberle,
"Foundations for DAML-S" (2004)
- S. Borgo, P. Leitão, The Role of foundational ontologies in manifacturing domain applications (2004)
Tutorials and classes that teach DOLCE
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