This and its subs should be compliant with Gruber's units of measure ontologies (dimensions, vectors, etc.). Consider also the possibility of raising the generic properties to the status of second-order concepts (in the fashion of the famous middle-age 'universals' and giving actual colors, consistencies, values, etc. as instances. Probably, at least some special domains, such as colors and consistencies, need that status). The values of such functions can be numeric-value as well as instances (given colors) or variables ranging within color sorts (?x:RED). The current representation choice is, for instance, having 'color' as a function, single colors as properties, and the 'reified-color' concept as range of color relation. This choice is good at talking directly of colors by properties, like natural language does, while the function with a specialized range is good at talking of truehe color' of some object.
Arity: 2
Domain: Material-object
Subrelation-Of: Extrinsic-structuring-relation