Bottazzi   Emanuele Bottazzi

+39 0461 314840

Emanuele Bottazzi graduated in Philosophy at the University of Ferrara in 2003 (magna cum laude) under the supervision of Claudio Masolo (ISTC-CNR). From 2004 to 2008, he had a research position at LOA, he also collaborated with the Ontology Lab of the University of Turin. He received his Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Torino (Italy) on the philosophical issues in social organizations. During 2008 he was visiting scholar at Columbia University, Philosophy department, under the supervision of professor Achille Varzi.
He is generally interested in multidisciplinary research, trying to fill the gap between an analytical approach and a humanistic one in philosophy and applied ontology. More specifically he has as its interests: Social Ontology, Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Law and Metaphysics. Emanuele is also a photographer.
He is now back at LOA with a postdoctoral research fellowship on the ontological aspects of organizations.

Selected Publications
  • E. Bottazzi, Criteri filosofici per l'analisi delle organizzazioni sociali, tesi di dottorato, Universita' di Torino, defended on january 27/01/2010
  • E. Bottazzi, R. Ferrario, Preliminaries to a DOLCE Ontology of Organizations, in C. Atkinson, E. Kendall, G. Wagner, G. Guizzardi, M. Spies (a cura di), International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management, Special Issue on Vocabularies, Ontologies and Business Rules for Enterprise Modeling, vol. 4, nr.4, Inderscience Publishers, 2009, pp. 225-238.
  • E. Bottazzi, C. Catenacci, A. Gangemi, J. Lehmann, From Collective Intentionality to Intentional Collectives: an Ontological Perspective, Cognitive Systems Research, Special issue on Cognition, Joint Action and Collective Intentionality, Vol. 7, nr.4, 2-3, Elsevier, 2006, pp. 192-208
  • C. Masolo, G. Guizzardi, L. Vieu, E. Bottazzi, R. Ferrario, Relational Roles and Qua-individuals, in G. Boella, J. Odell, L. van der Torre, H. Verhagen, Proceedings of the AAAI Symposium on Roles, an interdisciplinary perspective, Arlington, Virginia USA, AAAI Press, 2005, pp. 103-112.
  • C. Masolo, L. Vieu, E. Bottazzi, C. Catenacci, R. Ferrario, A. Gangemi, N. Guarino,Social Roles and Their Descriptions, in D. Dubois, C. Welty, M.A. Williams (a cura di), Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference KR 2004, Whistler, Canada, 2-5 giugno, 2004, AAAI Press, pp. 267-277.
  • E. Bottazzi, R. Ferrario, C. Masolo, R. Trypuz, Designing Organizations: Towards a Model, in G. Boella, L. van der Torre, H. Verhagen, (a cura di), Normative Multi-agent Systems, Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings, IBFI, Dagstuhl, Germania, 18-23 marzo 2007, pp. 237-244.
  • E. Bottazzi, R. Ferrario, A Path to an Ontology of Organizations, in G. Guizzardi, G. Wagner, (a cura di), EDOC International Workshop on Vocabularies, Ontologies and Rules for The Enterprise (VORTE 2005), 20 settembre 2005, Enschede, Olanda, pp. 9-16.
  • E. Bottazzi, C. Catenacci, R. Ferrario, R. Trypuz, On Non Mediated Collective Intentions, in Proceedings of Narrative Alternatives to Theories of Mind, University of Hertfordshire, HatÔ¨Åeld, United Kingdom, July 12-15, 2007.
  • E. Bottazzi, R. Ferrario, Problemi filosofici emergenti dalla modellazione delle organizzazioni sociali, in Rivista di Estetica. Numero Speciale su Documentalita': l'ontologia degli oggetti sociali, vol. 36 Nr. 3, 2007, pp. 43-58.
  • E. Bottazzi, R. Ferrario, Primi ingredienti di una DOLCE ontologia delle organizzazioni, in Networks, Nr. 6, 2006, pp. 36-63.
  • E. Bottazzi, C. Catenacci, R. Ferrario, R. Trypuz, Intenzioni collettive non mediate, in Scienze cognitive e robotica. Atti dell'AISC (Associazione Italiana di Scienze Cognitive), in A. Greco, C. Penco, G. Sandini, R. Zaccaria (a cura di), Genova, 26-27 Ottobre, 2006, pp. 136-138